Yellow, not so abstract
I picked up this handle-medallion in a shop window in Chambéry.
As I was shooting-and even a little after shooting-I was reminded that as a child, when asked "what is your favourite colour? " I almost always answered "yellow...". Suspension dots. But it was not obvious: inside me, between the original question and the answer, resounded in no particular order: "why only one colour?" "why should I choose?" "why now?". And then a fair number of other doubts rolled around inside me, more intimate and less verbal.
I remember even attempting some form of rebellion, from time to time, within myself. At one point, even, I stopped responding.
Now, at 39 years, 9 months and 16 days, I have a much, much sharper position on the subject: certain yellows, just some of them, sometimes (other times not), on certain days, in that light there, are really beautiful and you have to stop and look at them.