Partially in focus
Pieces are added, on an issue I wrote about some time ago: it's me, after all, what appears in the photos I post.
It's not a matter of self-centeredness, eh! It's that I am the filter, the one who makes the selection, the bouncer at the entrance. I'm the one who presses the button, in the moment I shoot and also afterwards, when I work the photos and decide how they will become.
If there is one thing that all the photos that appear here have in common, it is this: they are all little pieces of me, scrolling through them you can see that I change, that I grow, you can also see some evolution.
- Fotocamera: X-T2
- Obiettivo: XF35mmF2 R WR
- 35mm
- ƒ/5.6
- 1/900s
L'angolo della posta
Il form per i messaggi qui sotto non fa altro che inviare quel che scrivi alla mia casella di posta. Così non devi aprire il programma di email e neanche ricordarti il mio indirizzo.