

It was the end of August when I took this photo: the temperature in Thures had dropped quickly after the great heat of July and the still warm, if moderate, August.

I spent two months in Thures, for the third year: it was nice, very nice. Lots of walks, laps around the slopes and woods that I am now beginning to get to know well. Picnics for lunch in the meadows near the house.

There were a lot of animals around this year: donkeys galloping through the village, lammergeyers flying in circles surveying the valley in front of the house and thus coming to the same height as us, deer with their great roaring at the beginning of September, in the larch woods on the opposite slope.

  • Camera: X-T1
    • 62.4mm
    • ƒ/13
    • 1/420s


Miniatura della fotografia precedente

Published on July 27, 2020


Miniatura della fotografia successiva

Published on December 12, 2023

I am Silvano Stralla. I am a developer, I like taking photos and riding bikes.
If you want, you can write to me at silvano.stralla at
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