Essex Street Market pallet

Essex Street Market pallet

New York has few markets. This is a corner of the covered market on Essex Street. We had lunch there, sheltered from the polar cold that raged outside.

We had just finished visiting the Tenement Museum, an unmissable memorial site of migrations. If you're passing through New York, Lower East Side, keep this in mind ( book in advance and rely on the guides' accounts. We visited the flat where the Baldizzi family lived, Italian emigrants with a turbulent history.

Meanwhile, I'm off: I'm going to walk five days in Cornwall.


Miniatura della fotografia precedente

Published on April 21, 2018


Miniatura della fotografia successiva

Published on April 28, 2018

I am Silvano Stralla. I am a developer, I like taking photos and riding bikes.
If you want, you can write to me at silvano.stralla at
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