

'Done is better than perfect' is my leitmotif these days. It came up slowly, almost without a sound. One day I turned around and there it was.

A voluntary leitmotiv, which arose out of a certain amount of reflection on how I am and what my relationship is with the things I do, for work or pleasure. Reflections that go on under the ashes, but which meanwhile make me publish more often.

And so much does.


Miniatura della fotografia precedente

Published on October 24, 2016


Miniatura della fotografia successiva

Published on November 19, 2016

I am Silvano Stralla. I am a developer, I like taking photos and riding bikes.
If you want, you can write to me at silvano.stralla at
This site is handmade, with love, in Turin (Italy).

© 2002—2024 Silvano Stralla

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