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A building with many windows and balconies, featuring decorative elements and lights around them.
February 3, 2015


Since the walk I mentioned I have been taking a lot of of beautiful images. After crossing La Barceloneta, walking up from the sea towards Gràcia, i encounter this curious palace, pierced by many pins.

Walking around Barcelona is all a discovery: at every step, at every glance, a new modernist building comes forward a new modernist construction, a newly built palace (and yet almost never out of place), a bowindi house that at first you don't expect. Main streets wide main streets alternate with the narrower ones. Bicycle paths almost everywhere, very well signposted, separated from the carriageway and with dedicated traffic lights.

If you want to continue the walk with me, here is the glimpse provided by Google StreeView.


Miniatura della fotografia precedente

January 28, 2015


Miniatura della fotografia successiva

February 4, 2015

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